Thursday, July 7, 2011

Beware fake Google + invitations

Late last month, Google launched their answer to Facebook, a new social networking service called Google + (or Google Plus). As with most things Google, they released a beta first, and limited participation to those with invitations only. Despite the inability of Google's previous social networking attempts (Wave, Buzz) to gain traction, the new effort has garnered a good deal of initial interest (as did its predecessors). And this in turn has spawned an opportunity for spammers and malware authors, who can exploit the desire for an invitation to send out fake ones. So if you get a notice that you're one of the Chosen Few, be careful before you click:

Beware Google + Scam

How to change the size or resolution of a photo with Paint

Open Paint by clicking the Start button, clicking All Programs, clicking Accessories, and then clicking Paint.

Click the Paint button, click Open, click the picture you want to resize, and then click Open.

On the Home tab, in the Image group, click Resize.

In the Resize and Skew dialog box, select the Maintain aspect ratio check box so that the resized picture will have the same aspect ratio as the original picture. If the Maintain aspect ratio check box is selected, you only need to enter the horizontal value (width) or vertical value (height). The other box in the Resize area is updated automatically.

Do one of the following in the Resize area, and then click OK: To resize your picture by a certain percentage, click Percentage, and then enter a percentage to reduce the width by in the Horizontal box or a percentage to reduce the height by in the Vertical box. To resize the picture so it's a specific size, click Pixels, and then enter a new width in the Horizontal box or new height in the Vertical box.

Click the Paint button, point to Save as, and then click the picture file type for the resized image.

Type a new file name in the File name box, and then click Save.

System Folders Customizer released

We are pleased to release System Folders Customizer, a free tool that lets you add Internet Explorer, important System folders, Control Panel applets to your Computer folder, Libraries and Desktop.


Hotmail Still New and Cool–Even After 15 Years

This past Monday on the Fourth of July, Hotmail celebrated its 15th anniversary. Make no mistake - Hotmail has come a long way in those 15 years, and to commemorate a number of important milestones over the last several months, we thought we'd show off a list of 15 insanely cool things you might not know about Hotmail.

This is not the Hotmail of 2005

Read More at: COOL HOTMAIL

Microsoft Windows 7 hosted virtual desktop launched by ThinkGrid

ThinkGrid promises full Windows experience instead of slimmed down version

ThinkGrid has launched a hosted virtual desktop with the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system.

The release offered Windows XP-based businesses a real alternative to in-house upgrades when support for XP is turned off, ThinkGrid said. The company said it also provides the “full Windows 7 experience” and “greater flexibility around hardware”.

Read More at: ComputerWorld

A Journey into Browser Security