Friday, November 17, 2017

This tiny mint box is actually a gaming console packing a Raspberry Pi

The Altoids tin mint box clinched it.  While personally I haven't yet toyed with the Raspberry Pi concept I have been more and more intrigued lately.  The Altoids box threw me over the edge. NOW. I. HAVE. TO. TRY. THESE. Just for the fun, the learning experience and the doors it may open...

The following article was originally found at : This tiny mint box is actually a gaming console packing a Raspberry Pi

This tiny mint box is actually a gaming console packing a Raspberry Pi

raspberry pi, gaming console, handheld
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Watch out, Nintendo: Raspberry Pi enthusiasts are building their own gaming consoles
and this latest one is actually pretty awesome.
Using a Raspberry Pi computer and an Altoids mint box, recreational inventor and
YouTuber Sudomod has designed a fully-functioning gaming device that
actually fits in your pocket.
As the creator explains in a new blog post, the DIY handheld console builds on his earlier
mintyPi project that aimed to cram a gaming console into a tiny tin box. Unlike
the first version, however, the new device uses 3D-printed parts to improve the
overall design.
You can watch the quirky gadget in action in the video below:

Much like a regular handheld gaming console, the mintyPi 2.0 comes with an integrated
display and a simple controller with a few buttons.
To give you some more context, the unusual device also features a 3D-printed hinge
to hold the screen open while playing as well as a USB sound card for sharper
What is particularly nifty is that the mintyPi also packs the recently introduced Pi Zero W that
brings wireless connectivity for effortless updates and custom

Sudomod plans to release a detailed guide on how to build your own mint box handheld
console like the mintyPi. Follow his blog here for more Raspberry Pi-inspired tech

Disclaimer: We like some products. We don’t like others. Either way, if you buy something
through our affiliate links, we get a small cut of the revenue. This isn’t a
sponsored post, but for the sake of transparency, you deserve to know what’s
This post was originally published in April 2017.

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