Wednesday, September 4, 2024

More Uses for GenAI in FinCrime Investigations


Building on my previous post: 3 Ways Generative AI Can Help with Financial Crimes Investigations we'll explore three more ways GenAI can be useful in FinCrime Investigations:

This technology is here to stay and it should be made good use of!

  1. Enhanced transaction monitoring: By using Generative AI more sophisticated, beneficial and adaptive transaction monitoring systems can be created. These systems can learn from past incidents and continuously update their criteria to detect new and evolving financial crime patterns in real-time. While this technology is currently in use, GenAI can be leveraged to make it even more efficient.

  2. Synthetic data generation: AI can generate synthetic financial datasets that mimic real-world scenarios. How cool is that? This allows investigators and analysts to train on diverse, complex scenarios without compromising sensitive customer data. Investigators and analysts will be more protected from being able to damage evidence, inadvertently or on purpose.

  3. Automated report generation: Reports are always fun, no? AI can compile and summarize investigation findings into coherent, standardized reports. This saves time for investigators and ensures consistency in documentation across cases. Always remember: AI is there to give you the answers you want, not necessarily the truth. GenAI is an excellent summarization and re-wording tool.

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